Architecture in Turbulent Times
In the past months I have combed through many reports, discussions, conferences, and courses surrounding sustainability and would like to focus on a few key articles I came across in doing so.
A noteworthy synopsis of a learning event held by the AIA called “Architecture in Turbulent Times” featured a number of different sessions that help cover how to integrate sustainability into an architecture firm from all angles. They covered examples of how small, medium, and large firms are addressing it, talking with clients, and examples from different size projects. The panel also referenced the Framework for Design Excellence. This framework, developed by the AIA, is comprised of 10 principles that are broken down in more detail and are designed to work as a template to help architects address climate change.
Another item that caught my attention was the news of the US Congress’ release of the climate report, “Solving the Climate Crisis”. The AIA was consulted closely on the framework that was put forward and the report aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. The Architecture 2030 commitment started in 2006, at a time when incremental changes were possible to avert climate collapse. As time passes these incremental changes must become much less incremental to meet the 2030 deadline. It is with sincere hope that we continue to see, even if only a framework, opportunities which could lead to positive legislative change. With that I urge you to get out and vote this November. It is the most effective way to encourage the government to address climate change.
Also take a look at the positive news surrounding Passive House. Increasingly tax credits and incentives are being put in place to ensure developers and architects reach for the Passive House certification. This example comes in the form of affordable housing.
There are more events and courses that are coming up. Keep an eye out for New York Climate Week at the end of September as well as the Carbon Positive Reset teach-in next week.
What I’m reading
Architecture in Turbulent Times: Spotlight on sustainability, AIA
Framework for Design Excellence, AIA
CarbonPositive: Pandemic, Injustice, and Climate Change, Architect Magazine
How Affordable Housing is Driving Passive House Design, Architect Magazine