156 Perry Street, New York, NY
The building has been designed to be fully electrified with the exception of domestic hot water. Whereas the building would now be fully electric, at the time of design appropriate equipment were not available n NYC.
The building has been designed to the Passive House standard. Construction as of this time has not begun.
Date of design: 2016 | Permitted
Involvement: Project Manager | Lead Designer
Project director: Tom Lewis
This is a 17 unit 30,000sf high-end rental apartment building in the West Village. Retaining the building in perpetuity is a goal for ownership, which chose to design this building pursuing the Passive House certification. This is the first, and one of two, projects in the office that pursue Passive House. The design team used this project to illustrate that the design aesthetic of MA has not been compromised by making the building be high-performing.
The facade of the building is designed with brick in both running bond as well as herringbone framed between brick piers.
Morris Adjmi Architects