Helen Diller Anchor House, Berkeley, CA
This 14 story, 455,000sf building occupies a full city block just west of the University. It is designed to accommodate approximately 800 students in studios, two and four bedroom apartments with communal spaces scattered throughout the building.
The building is arranged in a donut shape around a central courtyard and the lower three stories as well as portions of the cellar are occupied with amenities for the students such as a gym, teaching kitchen, cafe, and a makers’ space.
Berkeley was one of the first municipalities to enact a fossil fuel ban on new buildings as well as bird friendly glass regulations. The project is fully electric and all of its glass meets the necessary regulations to prevent bird strikes.
Morris Adjmi Architects
The project is designed to receive LEED Gold Certification.
Date of design: 2019 | Complete
Involvement: Senior Project Manager | Lead Designer
Project director: Tom Lewis